About the Author

authorphoto_1Like bringing ancient history to life, Susan Bass Marcus’ passion for dragon lore fuels Malevir: Dragons Return, a novel set in Dragonwolder. Where Dragons Follow: Return of the Malevir follows up this adventure fantasy, . The books carry you into tales of humans, dragons, and magical creatures pitted against ruthless monsters. They are stories marked by danger, mystery, courage, and a lot of magick. Marcus has worked as a storyteller and puppeteer and she entertained audiences throughout the country with her original performances. Her storehouse of tales and her puppetry skills enriched a later career–she was the first professional museum educator to create a life-like interactive dig site program inside a museum using legends and accounts of Near Eastern archaeology to enliven visitor programs.

In addition to this novel, Marcus’ published work includes essays, short stories, and online media.

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The two novels are available in ebook, kindle, and paperback on Amazon.com
